Don’t Panic! Know how To Stay Cool and Get What You Want.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important
than any other one thing."
                    Abraham Lincoln                       

"You are what your deep driving desire is,
As your desire is,so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny."
                   Brihadaranvaka Upanishad 4.5

#Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear.
This is a feeling every individual faces in their teenage years, around the age of graduation, right before entering the workforce: a shared feeling of extreme anxiety, stress, and urgency, especially in the face of a looming deadline.

Even though we've been preparing for months, attending so many interviews, we are still not getting what we want. My friends are better placed, how do I face them? ego hurts...
"There is a vitality, a life force, energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique."
-Martha Graham

Recently I met the principal of a college. He was explaining how #panicked students and their parents are. One of his admin staff's daughter scored 97% on her 10th exam but failed 11th standard Science. Students, as well as their parents, want to change their marks cards to show others, of course in our country most of us live to satisfy others. Somehow the principal did counseling and convinced both parents as well student to take commerce.
She became a topper and got university rank, and got campus selection from very good MNC and she did very well after getting a job abroad.

When you panic your #emotional stability will affect you very badly. For many #teens, things like #public speaking, #final exams, #important athletic competitions, #interview, or even going out on a date can cause feelings of apprehension and uneasiness.
Panic is also associated with major life transitions (graduating from college, changing jobs, getting married). A person is affected by fears and challenges, but the reaction and capability to balance it out is key to success in life. As they say, anyone who hasn’t failed hasn’t tried hard enough. While failures and setbacks are part of any journey, be it personal or professional, our capability to handle it using practice and logical thinking can bring about a higher maturity and balance.

The main trouble with our everyday thinking is that we jump to quick conclusions on important problems when we are panic, tired, hungry, or in a hurry. After we make a big mistake, we think of facts that would have saved us from the mistake.

I remember one incident in my life during my child’s school admission, they rejected him because he has not attended pre-school. I was panicked, naturally, thinking “what to do, have I done a mistake by not sending him preschool?”

Teachers weren’t ready to talk to him (in India we have the concept of taking a little child’s interview). I sat for a while, kept myself cool, and took him out for some ice cream.

We came back to the school, went near the principal’s chamber and sent him inside while I waited at the reception. After 10 minutes, the principal came out carrying him and asked, “who is the parent of this child and she said he got admission in the school.”

When you get panic, deep breathing helps to shift focus from the immediate cause.
Try this exercise;
Imagine being in a dark room that is full of ‘stuff’. When you walk around in the dark, you’re going to bump into things. You’re going to scrape, bruise and maybe drop a few choice words. Turn on the light though, and those things are still there, but now you can navigate your way around them. No more bumps. No more scrapes. And no more having to hold your tongue in front of people who can confiscate your phone.

"Don't compare your page 2 with someone's chapter 7"- Unknown

Make sure you love yourself a little louder. At adolescence, you’re at a point in your life where the world is opening up to you. It’s a world that needs your wisdom, your courage and your interesting and very wonderful take on things. Of course, you would always rather not have anxiety, but there are so many strengths in you. Spend plenty of time noticing them.
What you are is smart, with truckloads of emotional intelligence, and a very wonderful and unique way of looking at things, as well as being the person people can count on, the one who thinks of things that other people haven’t, creative (even if you aren’t doing anything creative, it’s in you), sensitive, strong, and brave. You would be most people’s favorite type of human.

Find Out Where You Fit Best
Let me help you in finding out where you fit best, ability-wise, to choose any course that you want to study, job wants to take up or outside activity you are considering. We are living in a most comfortable world now, with lots of opportunities wherever you want to progress in life. In every business, art, event, trade, or profession, there are major functions to be performed.

A. Do you have a creative ability?
If you have creative ability, you probably know it without anybody telling you. Your creative talents have demanded expression in your early youth.
If there is any doubt in your mind as to whether you have the ability to invent or to discover or to develop a new idea, you probably not have this ability, and if you think you have it, if you have never built or made or designed or invented or written or painted or created anything original that particularly pleased you and that you considered being your very own, you probably do not have creative ability. This might be one of your best cues as to what you'd like to do.
B. Do you have the executive ability?
If you like to organize and direct other people as they carry out plans and policies that are handed to you while conducting certain events at school/college by an overall administrator.
If you enjoy the responsibility of seeing to it that these people who work for you do the job well and get it done on time; and if you are perfectly content to confine your activities to the one department of the business or activity you are responsible for, you'll probably try to end up as a career first level executive.

C. Do you have Administrative ability?
If you are a thoughtful person, slow to act, who enjoys analyzing, interpreting, and patiently summarizing the results of activities of others; if you're the kind of person who likes to pry into every single phase of an operation and to view a business or activity as a whole; If you get kick out of cautiously defining long-range plans and policies; if you're strong on logic, figures, and finance, you have the most important earmark of an able administrator.

D. Do you have a convincing ability?
Performing some individual task involving no responsibility for the work of others.
So whether you like to work alone or rub shoulders with other people, whether you like to take the initiative in meeting people. If you know that you can sell.
I met one salesman who told me "how much I make depends entirely on my own efforts".

E. Do you have the entrepreneurial ability?
You are a Self-Starter, passionate about your goals, who would eliminate any hindrances or distractions to your goals. Confident, Open Minded, strong Determination, and strong people skills...

I was counseling MBA guys in one of the colleges in Bangalore, those guys had 1-2 years of work experience and had come to study an MBA course and wanted to ultimately start their startups.

I really appreciate their positive energy.
Few of them are very energetic with a strong desire to start their new venture. How many will succeed is different, but they are very cool and clear on what they want to do. That is the first step to success.

We should not stress too much about the future: keep your mind calm and believe in yourself. Allow things to flow naturally.
Finally, an important point to keep in mind in taking any decision is when it comes to #human problems, there are no perfect answers. We all are imperfect. The people we live with and work with and associate with in any way whatsoever are all imperfect.
One of the first signs of #maturity in anyone is his capacity to live with an imperfect solution to a human problem!



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